Thursday, August 28, 2008

iTunes Songs

Daily tip: Download the free song each week from iTunes. Most of the time they're crap and you can delete them. But I've downloaded a few songs that I really love and have become hits ("Bubbly" by Colbie Callait and "Mercy" by Duffy). It's worth it. And fun to see what's new to the music scene if you're into that stuff.

Thank you.


I love when things become viral. Videos, blogs, whatever. Most recently, my friend Kiersten got me into the "Twilight" series. Beyond myself, Kiersten talked another 4 people or more into reading the four-book series. And now that I've got my nose into it, I can't seem to get enough.

I'm not one for books about vampires, but I am seriously addicted. When people ask what the books are about, I tell them it's about a girl who moves to a lonely town in Washington and falls for a boy who turns out to be a vampire. But the more I get into the series, I am realizing that it's much more than that. I'm almost done with the second book, "New Moon." I have to admit that this book in particular has struck a cord. In an effort not to give away too much, I'll be vague. The way the author exposes Bella (the main character) and her emotions really hits home. Not only because Bella is clumsy and unathletic, something I have been known to describe myself as, but because Bella experiences love, loss and questions herself about the "why's" of the past and the "what if's" of the future. Things I think every girl experiences at one time or another in her life. I know I have.

Working in an industry where I am fortunate enough to be able to recognize good creative writing, I like to think I have a pretty good grasp on brilliance when I see it. Definitely a page-turner and a must-read for any girl to swoon over the perfect guy that will never exist (I said I recognize creative writing. My perception is not distorted by this fantasy. Sorry guys). And in my somewhat light-hearted way of continuing this viral trend, I am paying it forward to you my friends, my blog readers. If you have not read the series yet, just give the first book "Twilight" a whirl. You won't be disappointed. You have plenty of time to read it before the movie is released, then be disappointed. In the words of a Facebook flair button, "Twilight the Movie: Ruin it and die."