Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Workin' on My Fitness

I made the decision almost a year ago that I was going to start training for a half-marathon. It wasn't until now that I decided to put actions to my words.

There are a number of reasons why I wanted to start training. One of which was my endeavor to find a new hobby. I'm sure on week two when I'm tired, cranky and immobile that I will wish I opted for scrap booking.

It not only irritates me when people say they enjoy running, but it downright pisses me off. No one could possibly get a high from the heavy breathing and the notion that you may just about drop dead at a moments notice. No, I do not enjoy running. Nor do I believe I will grow to enjoy it. I'm doing this to create a goal for myself; to keep me busy after work and have a feat I'm constantly reaching to attain. Getting my bod in bangin' shape also helps.

You know I'm serious about an idea when I buy a book about it (hence the numerous baking and knitting books that compile my personal library). The book I'm currently reading suggests that in keeping motivated in your goals, you need to make yourself responsible. So here I am, telling the whole world that me, Carrie Campos, will complete a half-marathon. I give you all permission to hoot and holler in praise for my bold assertions. Transversely, I also encourage doubt. Hopefully this will add some fuel to my fire.

I plan on chronicling my story with you all, good and bad, similarly to my "raw diet" venture. I have high hopes this will last longer than that 4-day lapse of judgement. I have yet to reach the "diet" chapter of my book yet so I will continue to sneak pieces of See's Candy until I'm told it's on the naughty list. I read two chapters and ran 2 miles today on "the mill" (that's treadmill for those of you slow to catch on) which brings my hobby count to killing two birds with one stone. Tomorrow begins day two, 3 miles and the chapters on "The Accessories" of running (yes!), and the "Training Schedule" (eff). Time to get physical...