Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Things I've learned in San Francisco so far...

1. Never underestimate the acceleration of a MUNI bus.

2. When someone graciously offers you their couch, you are obligated to participate in unfavorable activities (6 a.m. is not a fun time to work out, Ashley).

3. If you meet new people, refrain from telling them about your blog to avoid being called by your pen name.

4. Despite hundreds of restaurants in the City, people still seem to congregate at Subway for lunch.

5. There is a lighting conspiracy in bars where they make it seemingly light enough to read the name of the drink on the menu, but too dark to read the price.

6. "Clipper Card" is used in your daily vocabulary just as much as "hello" and "thank you."

7. To avoid awkward conversation, don't tell people you're not a Giants fan.

8. Rumor has it the Safeway in the Marina turns into a nightclub after 7 p.m.

9. The Golden Gate isn't a bad backdrop for morning runs.

10. Hand sanitizer has never been a better investment.