Wednesday, May 28, 2014

A Single Girl's Rant

My DVR is 22% full. This is a problem considering I just cleared it with the exception of Glee's "The Quarterback"episode, eight Dateline stories for a rainy day, and The Today Show where in the 10am hour with Kathy Lee and Hoda, I am featured out in the plaza waving to the camera in my 3 seconds of fame. Based on these calculations I should only be MAYBE 10% full. Anxiety sets in. I browse my recorded shows and realize the oh-so-meh summer line up has started recording. Oh yeah, and those three movies that I decided to record after single-handedly consuming a bottle of wine last weekend because "why not?? I pay for HBO so fuck it... I'm gonna watch movies." And so my 22% is justified and thank God I'm single because I can't spare the DVR space.

This is my life. The life of a single gal six plus months away from leaving her 20's for good. The life of someone spending her periodic Friday nights catching up on Scandal or watching reruns of Sex and the City. The life of someone who orders enough take-out to last her 5 days. The life of a girl who purchases her organic produce online to be delivered to her door. This is my life. And I am okay with it.

I recently officiated a wedding for one of my best gals and her very patient now-husband. At said wedding her grandmother asked if I was engaged. Sorry Granny. Single as they come. "Oh but why? You're so sweet! We need to find you a boyfriend." It's instances such as these that I love and cherish. Sweet Granny subconsciously, and adorably I might add, boosted my single girl confidence right when I was about to enter man-hating mode for the umpteenth time. Now let me be clear that it is both cute and endearing when Sweet Granny tells me I need a boyfriend. Not so much when my 8-year-old niece points it out at family gatherings and all major holidays. Then it just becomes obnoxious. No ill will toward my 2nd grade frenemie (if you're reading this, hey girl!) but this is indeed my life and I know that I'm single. Reminders are completely unnecessary. Thanks though.

Don't get me wrong. I think it's great when people insist I meet their nephew or their cousin or their brother because we would "be just perfect together." It shows that they think highly enough of me to want to introduce me to someone else they reciprocally think highly of. But I also don't need to be anyone's charity case. Being single isn't an illness (although it may be in epidemic in this great city I call home). If I don't get married, oh well. If I don't have kids, I'll get a dog. Or two. Or three. I am a self sufficient, caring person with moderate baking skills, awesome friends, an amazing job and an apartment a block away from the most spectacular view you have ever seen of the Golden Gate Bridge. There are worse things in life than not being in a relationship and I prefer that not be what defines me.

My DVR is still 22% full. I know this because I set the next recording (Catfish). And the one after that (The Bachelorette). And the one after that (Game of Thrones). Yes, this is my life. And I am okay with it.