Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Raw: Day 2

I woke up this morning feeling refreshed and ready to take this raw food diet head on.

Halfway through the day I'm craving a Big Mac. I hate McDonald's. I guess it's true that you always want what you can't have. I could also go for a nice Volcano Burrito from Taco Bell right now, but NO! I'm sticking to my guns. I did, however, accidentally put pasteurized yogurt in my smoothie this morning (I know, heaven forbid!) Breaking the rules already.

I decided to make my own pesto for dinner last night and drizzled it over tomatoes. De-lish. I may have put a little too much garlic in it though. But no big for a girl from Gilroy. I'm trying this "raw lasagna" tonight. It's pretty much the last thing I want for dinner but there's no way I'm breaking down this early in the game.

Oh what I'd do for a steak taco right now...

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