Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Just another day...

Having a job at Genentech has its perks; one being the charter bus that totes me to and from work everyday. The only downside of the Genetech bus system is that my route home only comes once an hour. If I don't make the 4:30 bus, I'm waiting until 5:30 for the next one. I've never had much problems making it onto the bus... that is, until today.

The ride back to the Marina is approximately 45 minutes. Considering I have a bladder the size of a peanut, I try and hit up the ladies room before I take off. When I returned to my desk after today's daily lavatory ritual, my boss was waiting for me. He was in meeting all day and wanted to discuss some tasks before his busy schedule tomorrow. With a plastered grin I tried to seem interested, but found my eyes darting back and forth between he and my clock, like I was watching a tennis match, to make sure I could catch the bus. After wrapping things up, I had 5 minutes until the bus arrived. I didn't have time to properly stow anything away so I grabbed my tupperware from lunch and headed out. Like a gazelle, I flew by my co-workers' cubicles, leaving behind only the voice of my goodbyes.

I decided I better skedaddle since I was cutting it pretty close, so I picked up the tempo as I hopped down a few flights of stairs. Now into a brisk walk, I headed out of the building and around the corner where I could get my first glimpse of the bus stop. The bus was already there. Shit. Without hesitation, I threw my body into a full-on sprint. Approximately 12 steps in, I felt my bare right foot hit the ground. My shoe must have flown off. Behind me. Shit! In an effort to stop the momentum of my body, my right foot dragged across the cement, leaving a nice scuff across a number of my newly pedicured toe nails. Double shit!

No stranger to hop scotch, I launched myself on only my left foot to my abandoned shoe, slipped it on and was rolling in no time. Not wanting another aerodynamic mishap, I was running and shuffling at the same time. I was ruffling.

Hoping some kind soul would see me ruffling across campus and tell the driver to hold the bus, I started waiving my arm, tupperware in hand, in a panicked frenzy. When I finally made it to the bus doors, I apologized to the driver and thanked him profusely for waiting for me. He looked a little puzzled, glanced at his watch and said, "Oh you had plenty of time. We're not leaving for a few more minutes."

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