Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Inspire Me

Lately I have been a little down in the dumps about my wardrobe. I consistently feel like I need to be adding to my closet to make sure I don't become a fashion robot, wearing the same thing week after week after week. Further, it's become more and more difficult to get creative with the pieces I already own since I sleep on someone's couch and have limited closet/suitcase space (my living on a couch is a blog subject for a different day). In an effort to overcome this slump, I've been reading a lot of blogs, articles, and anything I can get my hands on to try and help me tame the wild beast that is my wardrobe.

A few months ago I posted a status on my Facebook asking people for any interesting blog suggestions. After wading through all of the smart ass comments, I found a diamond in the rough. My friend Christine suggested I check out Kendi Everyday, a fashion blog about utilizing only the items in your closet and remixing them for 30 days. I was intrigued.

Not only does Kendi manage to mix and match the cutest outfits ever, but she is a phenomenal writer who keeps me in stitches with her daily posts. Are you sensing a girl crush?? Totally have one. For those of you wifeys out there, Kendi also has another blog about she and her husband's relationship called Better Off Wed, which is just as funny if you're not married and you're a single gal like myself. Again, with the girl crush.

Having been in San Francisco for an entire three months now, I have found fashion inspiration in plain sight: takin' it to the street. There are people from all different cultures and walks of life here, so why not use them to influence your daily fashion choices? I wouldn't recommend trying to scope out inspiration from the crackheads in the Tenderloin, but the Mission hipsters and Marina preps are a good start.

One of my interests on StumbleUpon just so happens to be fashion (if you haven't "Stumbled" yet, give it a whirl. I highly recommend it). Every now and then I'll come across shopping or fashion websites that catch my eye for a minute or two before I move on. But today I came across a blog that simply captivated me. The genius behind this gem of a blog decided to draw inspiration from animated Disney characters. They had me at "Disney." I was enthralled with all of the fabulous outfits they were able to produce from not only the Disney Princesses, but the Villains too. Amongst my favorites were Cinderella, Belle and Ariel. But my heart melted for Sleeping Beauty. Tell me you wouldn't want to rock every single one of those outfits?? Absolutely fabulous.

I feel like I've uncracked a whole new world of inspiration (Did you get the Aladdin reference? How witty am I?!). Ladies, and gents if any read my blog, moral of the story is to keep your eyes and mind open at all times. Inspiration is lurking around every corner.

1 comment:

Clazzerati said...

I get most of my fashion inspiration from blogs - they seem way more accessible than the magazines, and it's great to see how someone puts there wardrobe together on a daily basis! I'm trying to save money and not buy any clothes at the mo, which is increidbly hard, so i'm putting things together I wouldn't normally.Sometimes having constraints actually makes you more creative! x