Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My name is Carrie, and I'm a clothes hoarder.

I have been back home for 3 weeks now and I still have yet to put away all of my crap. I would like to blame laziness for this organizational disaster, but I can't. I don't have a lot of "things" but rather a lot of clothes.

I have been designated a 3-drawer dresser and essentially a quarter of a closet to pack away all of my digs. If you know me and are aware of my shopping addiction, cue hysterical laughter. Using my mom's suggested "a little at a time" approach, I have been slowly but surely hanging, folding and packing away. I find my fingers crossed every time I try to wedge something new into my closet.

The other day on my weekly Target run, I found myself, as I usually do, in the book aisle. I saw Lauren Conrad had a new style book and decided to take a peek. I don't particularly like Lauren Conrad and have only seen The Hills a handful of times (due to my protest of MTV programming), but I love love love reading other people's opinions on what style means to them. Like flipping through The National Enquirer, out of sheer curiosity I picked up the book with no intention of buying it.... Until I saw Chapter 4: "Mastering your closet." At the bargain price of $13, I left Target with hope and, for lack of a better term, my new organizational Bible.

I read through the first few chapters with ease. "Style" has parallel similarities to "The Extra Half an Inch" by Victoria Beckham and both of Nina Garcia's books, "The Little Black Book of Style" and "The One Hundred," all of which I love. I found comfort in knowing that it took Lauren Conrad three days, a professional organizer, a stylist and several friends to help tackle her closet. She says to try on every single piece of clothing you own. If it doesn't fit right, is uncomfortable or simply can't see yourself wearing it anymore, toss it.

She also suggests tossing clothes in a number of different piles: give away, Goodwill, sell, garbage, and storage (put away a bag of clothes under your bed for 6 months. If you don't remember what's in there, you don't need it). These piles seemed a little too complicated for me. I usually toss my clothes in two piles: garbage and my "Jenny" pile. Jenny is my friend from San Luis Obispo who rarely buys clothes for herself, but rather takes peoples hand-me-downs (and looks better in them then I ever did). Giving my clothes to Jenny also helps cure the emotional attachment I sometimes have to pieces of clothing.

So here I am in my fashionable gray sweats and "I Heart NY" tee shirt, about to tackle the monster that is my wardrobe. I'm going to mix Lauren's ideas with my mom's approach and pray that this project is done before my 30th birthday. Wish me luck. I'm gonna need it...

1 comment:

Kristen said...

did you see whitney port has a new style book out too? i flipped through it at target. i think you'd really like her book too.