Monday, January 31, 2011

Watch out Bay Area... here I come.

I don't like telling people that I'm currently "unemployed." In times like these I feel like being unemployed reflects a negative connotation. It allows people to jump to their own conclusions that I was either fired or am unhirable. I am neither. So for the sake of this post, and my sanity, I will refer to myself as being "in between jobs."

I spent my first week of being in between jobs scooting around Raleigh, North Carolina (I had a wonderful time, thanks for asking!). So this week I'm back to reality and on the ol' job hunt. Most of the jobs I have applied for thus far have been recommended to me by friends and family who have openings at their companies. Thankfully when you have someone vouching for you, your resume doesn't disappear into the abyss. For this, I have already had a phone interview.

I'm not exactly sure of what type of job I am looking for. I have a public relations degree with professional marketing and legal experience. As odd as this may sound, my diverse resume opens up a plethera of opportunities for me. Not only do I have the creativity that comes from a marketing background, but I also think strategically and critically because of my experience working with attorneys. On top of that, I have had the pleasure of working first-hand with company executives and attorneys (which I loved), allowing me to consider and qualify for personal assistant positions.

I may not be 100% certain about what type of job that I want, but I am sure of one thing: I will be fantastic at whatever it is I am hired for. I don't mean for this post to sound like a horn-tooting fest, but I know that a combination of my work ethic with an enthusiasm to learn creates an ideal work environment that any employer would be delighted to have in the workplace. Fingers crossed!

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