Sunday, June 22, 2008

Carrie: The San Francisco Treat

I have this friend Marika who I have known since second grade. Growing up we did everything together: dug through the garbage for Marika's lost retainer, went to our first dance, got our driver's licenses and we were even roommates in college for the best three years of her life. So it's no surprise when she decided to move to San Francisco with some friends, I wanted to check out her new digs and find out more about life in The City by The Bay.

Her Victorian-style house in Pacific Heights is a renter's dream. High ceilings, crown molding, backyard big enough for a nice garden. Not to mention she has a window seat in her bedroom, Stephanie Tanner-style. Which is nice.

Marika's roommates are old friends from San Diego. They grew up in the San Francisco area, so had friends who now lived in the city. It was nice to hang out with people who are new to the working world and still want to go out and have fun. Being surrounded by people who live a similar lifestyle to me was very refreshing. Only difference is, they have an alive city at their disposal while I'm still a small-town girl.

These people reminded me a lot of my own group of friends. We are similiar in the way that most of the people in our groups are friends from back in high school and can always remind you of home and where you came from. I saw from these people that they could be themselves in front of each other and also welcomed others with open arms. Essentially, they are my group of friends with a heightened drive for outdoor activities. My friends' athleticism extends about as far as a game of beer pong. But still it was nice to know that in a big city like San Francisco, you can find people who are genuine and are a lot like you.

I drove into San Francisco thinking about the noise and the traffic and the crazy bums who might try to steal my purse. I left thinking about the nice bars, the shopping, the excitement and most of all, the people and the endless possibilities the city can bring. I'm glad to know that Marika is in good hands with all of the nice people whose paths crossed with mine this weekend. Could San Francisco be the next chapter for me? Maybe. But it's nice to know that there is something else out there for a girl who has spent her life living in the small towns. And remember: if you're going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair...


Unknown said...

dude, get out of SLO and come back to the bay.....

Sal-sa said...

YOU drove into the city?!? I'll take credit for the driving and not flipping out, thankyouverymuch.