Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Trials and Tribulations of Benjamin Hein

A wise man once said that blogging gives the average Joe-schmo the freedom and independence to be a self-publisher and share their ideas and thoughts with the world. This man was not Benjamin Hein (yes, Hein... like the ketchup, minus the z).

Although his exterior may allude that Ben is an egotistic, self-absorbed, has-been high school athlete who still lives vicariously through his youth (his long, long, long ago youth as I may add), he can sometimes bring something to the table...

For example, Ben is the mastermind behind the "" phrase that is seemingly sweeping the nation. Everyone that spends more than 4 hours with me in one single block always seems to walk away using "" like it's en ever evolving virus that won't ever go away. Ironically, Ben's existence matches this simile. I can't hand him too much credit as he has been known to steal my sayings and claim them as his own: i.e. "See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya."

I know what you all are thinking: Who is this D.B.? For those of you who don't easily connect the puzzle pieces that make an acronym, D.B. stands for "douche bag." Well my friends, this D.B. is my co-worker. He is also my self-proclaimed "boss" although I have yet to sign any paperwork linking my services to him. Ben Hein is the one that makes inappropriate comments and makes even the most liberal groups uncomfortable. He is the one that takes his lunch breaks late so he can drive by the high school when class gets out, popped collar and AC/DC blaring. And most importantly, he is "that guy."

Ben may think my blogging is frivolous and mind-numbing, but then again so is he.

"I'm half-assing it with all my heart." -Ben Hein

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