Tuesday, June 10, 2008

There Are Still Generous People Out There

Ok, so I'm totally new to this blogging mumbo-jumbo, but I'm gonna give it a whirl...

Today was the my big event: Hunger Awareness Day. It's something I've been coordinating for months now. And I must mention how fulfilling it is to see people my age donating $50, $100, etc. Makes me feel like the future is in good hands.

Today also taught me that it doesn't matter how big or how small a donation, every contribution matters. Even if it's not in the form of money. "Joe the Homeless Guy" as we called him, was screaming random phrases in the intersection of one of our donation sites, making a big scene and dancing like a lunatic. It was that kind of energy that pumped up the volunteers and got them collecting money from everyone we can trap on the sidewalk and along the street, bribing innocent passer-bys with "I Support Hunger Awareness Day" stickers.

All in all, a great success and a wonderful organization to be associated with.

P.S. Another fun fact 'o the day... Marika Knapp was born 23 years ago today. Happy birthday.


Meredith917 said...

Maybe for hunger awareness you should be aware of your own hunger and put a little meat on your bones. Just don't "blow up" or Mark may not be happy! I can't wait to read your future posts. As long as you always end your sections with metaphoric questions like Carrie Bradshaw. PEACE OUT FSIL.

Unknown said...

Carrie Couture sounds like a cartoon character/porn actress....
keep it up
your future cousin in law

Unknown said...

Welcome to the blogging world! I used to blog...for class. I should probably start that up again. Can't wait to read more. And P.S. I don't think your name sounds like a cartoon/porn actress! I like it! :)

Unknown said...

I got a shout out on your first posting! I feel so special.